Thursday, March 16, 2006

MS Awareness -- Day 4

Dr. Iezzoni talked about insurance and stress related to finances of living with MS. Dr. Minden talked about a study following MSers over a five-year period. Again, finances were a major concern in quality health care and quality of life.

When applying for disability programs, both presenters stressed the importance of documenting medical evidence. I will emphasize that you cannot relax your documentation standards after being accepted as permanently disabled. I regularly have forms that must be completed to say I am still permanently disabled. Track your progress and setbacks, copy the forms you submit and prepare to continuously prove you are permanently disabled.

Be sure to share your MS story whether you are an MSer, a caretaker, a friend or family member. Every story counts. The more we know about MS the disease and MS the lifestyle, the better we can handle/treat/live with the disease.

come face to face with MS

Tomorrow is the last day of MS Awareness Week. Become more aware by watching the webcast on better treatments presented by Dr. Lawrence Steinman.

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