Saturday, February 09, 2008

Amigo "Friendly Wheels" and Me

The scooter I use to go wherever it is I go is an Amigo. When I bought my first one, Amigo Mobility had a small periodical called "Friendly Wheels" that had stories of Amigo owners.

I quite enjoyed it for several years, and I missed it when they stopped sending them. Those were the days before blogs, or at least before I knew of blogs, and I always enjoy reading about other people's adventures. Well, times are changing, and "Friendly Wheels" is being published again, but this time in an electronic format.

Jennifer Thieme is responsible for this resurrection. She asked me to write a short piece for the premier issue. I wrote about my first days with my Amigo. Sign up to receive future copies.

Jennifer's father Al actually invented the Amigo 40 years ago, starting the power operated vehicle (POV) industry. Lucky for us. Amigo Mobility International (AMI) is celebrating their 40th anniversary. Leave them a congratulatory note.

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Anonymous said...

Excellent Vicki - lovely to see the photo of whole you! I love my scooter too. Have you ever been asked if riding one is fun? My reply - not as much fun as walking without care. I know people mean well but coveting a mobility scooter is a form of condescension, is it not?

Jen said...

Thank you for the kind post about us and guest book message! Many of the Friendly Wheels readers enjoyed your article, you are always welcome to contribute again! As always, I enjoy reading your blog.

Diane J Standiford said...

s&L I used to get that EVERY day at work:"Can I ride along?" "Wish I had one." "Why do YOU get all the fun?" "Can I borrow it to go get my lunch?" You can fill in the answers, if I was in a good mood and bad mood answers...and after years of that crap FROM STRANGERS on the street...yeah.

Synchronicity said...

i had no idea people would make such insensitive comments about your using your scooters. what are people thinking?