Saturday, September 15, 2007

Revolution Health has an MS newsletter which provides links to relevant news items and a link to the many MS Foundation chat forums.

They are highlighting a new ribbon color (orange), Proceeds from products offered, including the magnetic MS Awareness ribbon, t-shirts, jewelry, and more, go to the MS Foundation. They even have a cuddly orange teddy bear wearing an MS pendant.

The newsletter also identifies free teleconferences, giving date, time, topic and telephone number for registration.
This is one way to stay current on news as well as community chats on a variety of subjects.

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Synchronicity said...

thank you for letting us know about this. your site is one of the best for gathering information about MS. i am thankful you are out here.

Vicki said...

Thank you. I enjoy doing it. I like to find new places, and when I find something fun or useful, I share. Sometimes I find something because someone else shared. It's only fair to pass it on.